Winning Isn't Enough

Last night people across the country stood up to the Trump administration's relentless attacks on our civil rights and humanity.
Voters successfully flipped the House of Representatives and elected a record number of women, people of color, young people, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, Muslims and Indigenous people. That's the good news.
On the flip side, we saw setbacks in the Senate, widespread voter suppression and politicians who won despite peddling the sickest and most dehumanizing stereotypes about immigrants and people of color.
In short, there's still so much damage to undo.
It's not enough to win elections. We need lawmakers who will fight for the people who put them in office. We need elected officials who will do more than campaign against Trump — and instead actively work to shut down his administration’s attacks.
Winning is great. But it isn’t enough
Now we need action.
It’s time for policymakers to become changemakers. It’s time for disruption, not the status quo. We need investigations. Hearings. Powerful legislation introduced. We need a House that won't let this administration or the Senate push through a single harmful bill in some phony spirit of compromise.
The first two years of the Trump administration have been an endless series of attacks on marginalized communities and democratic institutions.
We know how crucial your rights to connect and communicate are to the larger struggle for a humane world. We believe movements will falter without a free and open internet. We see how racism and dog-whistle politics playing out over the nightly news and online gave rise to increasing acts of hatred across the country. We know that without access to information we can’t make decisions about the best ways to help our communities.
Tell Congress to take action to restore Net Neutrality, rein in big media companies, invest in local journalism and hold online platforms accountable.