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Social-media companies, internet service providers and online advertising companies all mine our personal information for profit. They use this information to exploit poor communities, offering different opportunities and pricing depending on your ZIP code. They track search histories and map individuals’ networks of friends — selling that data to the highest bidder.

Corporations and government are increasingly joining forces. If we don’t take steps to keep them in check, our online privacy will only continue to erode, putting the most vulnerable populations at even greater risk.

Question and Answers


    Why is this a racial justice issue?

    A: Corporations track us online and use this information to exploit poor communities and communities of color, offering different opportunities and pricing depending on your ZIP code.

    Can I choose which information to make available to my internet service provider?

    A: Then-President Trump signed a congressional resolution that eliminated Obama-era FCC rules requiring ISPs to obtain consent from their customers before selling their private data. Without these protections, ISPs will be able to share health and financial data, sell information about your online habits, and even circumvent civil-rights protections in housing, employment and consumer credit.

    Can Congress help?

    A: Companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon shell out millions of dollars in campaign contributions in exchange for congressional support for initiatives that violate our right to privacy. It’s critical that we push lawmakers to act in the best interests of our communities.

Our Work on Privacy & Surveillance

Who's tracking us online? Why are companies — and the government — spying on people?

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