If you are a member of the media and have inquiries, interview requests, or would like to join our press list, please contact Timothy Karr at 201-533-8838, or reach out to him at tkarr@freepress.net.
Free Press explained that the FCC’s Title II authority allows it to safeguard Net Neutrality and hold companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon accountable.
The ACP, which could run out of funding as soon as April, subsidizes the cost of internet access for households living near the poverty line or enrolled in other federal-aid programs.
As one of 17 initial grantees, Free Press will receive funding to support the creation of policies that prioritize the information needs of underserved communities.
In extensive comments submitted in the agency’s “Safeguarding and Securing the Open Internet” proceeding, Free Press explained that the FCC’s Title II authority allows it to safeguard Net Neutrality and hold companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon accountable.
This Free Press report shows how policy rollbacks and staff layoffs at Meta, Twitter and YouTube are threatening democracy and user safety ahead of the 2024 elections.
Republican leaders on the subcommittee and at the FCC repeatedly complained about how the agency’s popular common-sense proposals allegedly place burdens on the broadband industry.
The FCC has approved new rules to prevent ISPs from discriminating against customers based on income level, race, ethnicity, color, religion or national origin.
This report shows that the California Journalism Preservation Act would result in a massive giveaway to large and profitable media outlets like Fox News.
The report finds that unless policymakers intervene, the persistent, unchecked and profit-driven collection of our personal data will continue to undermine users’ digital civil rights.