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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Free Press?

Free Press is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate.

What does Free Press do?

Free Press fights to save Net Neutrality, achieve affordable internet access for all, uplift the voices of people of color in the media, challenge old and new media gatekeepers to serve the public interest, end unwarranted surveillance, defend press freedom and reimagine local journalism.

Free Press has 1.4 million activists and works with allied organizations around the country.

When was Free Press founded?

Free Press was founded in 2003.

Who leads Free Press?

Craig Aaron and Jessica J. González lead the organization as our co-CEOs. Kimberly Longey is our chief operating officer, Misty Perez Truedson is our chief of staff and Matt Wood is our vice president of policy and general counsel. Learn more about our team here.

How is Free Press funded?

Free Press is a 501c3 organization. Our advocacy arm is Free Press Action, a 501c4. Free Press and Free Press Action don't take money from business, government or political parties. Our work is funded solely through contributions from charitable foundations and individual donors like you. Check out our latest annual report for more information.

Where is Free Press located?

Free Press has an office in Washington, D.C. We also have remote staff working in locations around the country.

Free Press and Free Press Action Logos

These zip files contain the Free Press and Free Press Action logos in a variety of formats and resolutions, incuding .png and pdf.

Free Press/Free Press Action Flickr Stream

Our event photos are on our Flickr page and are all available under the Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5) license.

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