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This Latinx Voices: Colorado report dreams up a future for local news that reflects the experiences, needs and demands of Latinx people throughout the state.

In 2021, a group of Latinx Coloradans from across generations, regions and professions began meeting to tackle a series of questions: What would it take to ensure that local-news coverage reflects, respects and reaches out to the state's Latinx communities? What actions must newsrooms, community members and funders take to create a future in which Latinx communities have the power to prevent the media from sidelining, stereotyping and silencing them?

Our conversations took place as part of a collaboration among Free Press' News Voices: Colorado project, the Colorado Media Project and the Colorado News Collaborative (COLab). The organizations convened the working group to support a community-led effort to answer those questions and to push for action from newsrooms, communities, funders, and policymakers. The group's recommendations reflect these discussions:

  1. Hold newsrooms accountable for increasing Latinx diversity on staff, among sources and in stories.
  2. Create programs for Latinx youth to learn about the impacts of news media and participate in its change toward accurate, fair and equitable coverage.
  3. Support existing and emerging networks of Latinx information providers, storytellers and community members.
  4. Build Latinx-owned media power.

Download the report.



WEBINAR: The Past as Prologue

A conversation grounded in the historical arc of Latinx leaders organizing for a more reflective and responsive media in Colorado. (2021)

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