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How to Write a Letter to the Editor on Net Neutrality

One of the best ways to get your story to policymakers is to write a letter to the editor of your local paper. Policymakers and their aides read these letters to get a sense of what their constituents care about. These letters also sway editorial boards and journalists and help raise awareness in the community.

Here’s how you can get started.

How to Lobby Your Elected Officials on Net Neutrality and Internet Freedom

Lawmakers are supposed to serve the public interest. Face-to-face meetings are one of the most effective ways to remind them of this obligation.

Here’s how you can get started.

How to Have a Voice in Local News

Learn how to build relationships with local reporters and see more community perspectives reflected in news coverage.

Get some strategies and tips here.

How to Launch Your Own Low Power FM Station

Low Power FM stations diversify the programming you find on your radio dial. This handy guide walks you through the process of applying for a license and starting your own station.

Question and Answers


    My local news outlets don't cover important issues. How can I stay informed?

    A: Thanks to runaway media consolidation this situation is all too common. Our News Voices project is working to bring communities and newsrooms together.

    How do I take my Net Neutrality activism to the next level?

    A: Join Team Internet, a volunteer-led campaign fighting to hold lawmakers accountable.

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