Freaking Amazing: 700 Net Neutrality Protests in One Day

When we set out three weeks ago with our partners at to launch protests nationwide ahead of the FCC’s Net Neutrality vote, we were confident we could pull off at least five of them and were going to shoot for 15.
Yesterday, there were more than 700 protests in all 50 states. It was the largest public outpouring of support for Net Neutrality and internet freedom ever.
The event was driven by Team Internet — the volunteer-led distributed-organizing campaign we launched alongside Demand Progress and Fight for the Future last summer.
It was freaking amazing.
Knowing what they say about pictures and words, the best way to appreciate what happened yesterday is to scroll through all the incredible images and social media.
I tried to pick just one snapshot to share, but it’s hard to choose between the huge crowds in New York City …

… and San Francisco …

… and the energized gatherings everywhere from North Carolina …

… to South Dakota …

… to small-town Massachusetts …

… to Oklahoma …

… to Alaska …

And everywhere in between.
The big protest in D.C. took place outside the FCC Chairman’s Dinner, the annual back-slapping roast for the head of the agency. There, Ajit Pai was greeted by more than 100 protesters, including two of the FCC commissioners.
Commissioner Mignon Clyburn grabbed the megaphone …

… and Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel even brought cookies to the crowd.

We’re witnessing a huge political shift on this issue. Public awareness has never been higher. And the politicians and press are paying attention.
We have one week to go before the FCC votes. This Sunday we’re holding a strategy call for anyone who wants to get involved in the next action to save the internet. You can sign up here.
Online protests will ramp up again next week and we’re planning a big rally with our racial-justice partners in the Voices for Internet Freedom Coalition outside the FCC on Dec. 14.
No matter what, Ajit Pai will not have the last word.