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On March 13, Free Press marked its 20th anniversary with a joyous celebration in Washington, D.C. The event brought together a diverse group of individuals who have played a significant role in shaping the organization over the past two decades, including co-founders, current and former colleagues, allies, donors and even the newest staff member, then just six days into her job.

Celebrating major wins in the fight to transform the media and technology

The event was a testament to the impact Free Press has had on the media landscape and the countless lives it has touched. The warmth and energy in the room were palpable, especially during the gathering on the deck under the clear March sky.

The 20th-anniversary celebration was a powerful reminder that Free Press’ mission transcends any individual. It underscored that we can create lasting change when we unite, build momentum and rally behind our shared vision for a just media system that protects the rights of everyone to connect and communicate.

Free Press Co-CEOs Craig Aaron and Jessica J. González at the organization's 20th-anniversary party
Free Press Co-CEOs Craig Aaron and Jessica J. González Courtney Morrison

As Co-CEOs Craig Aaron and Jessica J. González reflected on the evening, they expressed their deep gratitude for the unwavering support, guidance and friendship they have received from the Free Press community. They thanked the many public servants in the room, present and past, from the FCC, FTC and Congress. They also acknowledged the incredible work of their talented team and the numerous collaborations that have contributed to the organization’s success.

Free Press board member and longtime ally Brandi Collins-Dexter speaking into a microphone at Free Press' 20th-anniversary party
Free Press board member and longtime ally Brandi Collins-Dexter Nick Moreland Photography

Looking ahead to the next 20 years

2024 will present its fair share of challenges. But with the backing of so many dedicated allies and supporters, Free Press is poised to tackle the big fights ahead — on everything ranging from election disinformation to the collapse of local journalism — with confidence and determination.

In a special interview coinciding with the celebration, two of Free Press’ co-founders, Robert W.  McChesney and John Nichols, shared their memories and the valuable lessons they’ve learned over the past 20 years. Their insights serve as a source of inspiration for the organization as it embarks on its next chapter.

As Free Press enters its third decade, it remains committed to its mission of promoting a more just and equitable media system, one that serves the public interest and strengthens our democracy.

A crowd of people at Free Press' 20th-anniversary party
Nick Moreland Photography

Check out the other posts in our 20th-anniversary blog series, and view more photos from our anniversary event.

And help fuel Free Press’ ambitious plans for 2024 with a donation today.

Thank you to our event sponsors!


Katrina vanden Heuvel


Media Matters For America


Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund

Victor Pickard

Public Knowledge

Coriell Wright


Craig and Sheryl Aaron

Angela Campbell

Brandi Collins-Dexter

Maura Corbett

Jessica J. González

Mission Telecom

Steven Renderos

Gigi Sohn

Jenn and Ian Topper


Michael Bracy

Charles Brainard

Parul Desai

Freedman Consulting

Joel Kelsey

Cheryl Leanza

Christopher Mitchell

Hannah Sassaman

Andrew Schwartzman

David Segal

Erin Shields

Tessa Simonds

Mike Wassenaar

Lauren Wilson

Harlan Yu

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