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We want voters to understand what will be at stake for immigrant communities, people of color, religious minorities and other marginalized voices if lawmakers in the House of Representatives bow down to AT&T, Comcast and Verizon and refuse to stand up for their constituents’ digital civil rights.

Thanks to the financial support of our members, we’ve begun to roll out some in-your-face ads calling out members of the House who haven’t signed on to the Congressional Review Act resolution that would restore the Net Neutrality rules. And with your support, we can do even more.

Just last week, we put up our first-ever bilingual billboard in south Texas; we also published ads in local newspapers in three legislative districts that are critical to passing the Net Neutrality CRA.


Making a big splash like this doesn’t come cheap and we’ll need even more newspaper ads and billboards to call attention to reps who are siding with cable- and phone-company lobbyists over their constituents.

177 House members have signed on to the CRA, which means we need 41 more reps to step up to force a full vote on the measure. But with so many other important issues vying for lawmakers’ attention in the midst of an election year, our effort to restore Net Neutrality could get lost in the shuffle.

Free Press Action doesn’t endorse or oppose candidates for public office — and we don’t take a cent from business, government or political parties (our independence is too important).

That’s why we need your help to make sure that people know where their members in the House stand on Net Neutrality. And since early 2019 is the deadline to pass the CRA, people need to urge their representatives to take action now — before it’s too late.

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